Surrendered Life, Stewardship Stephen Jackson Surrendered Life, Stewardship Stephen Jackson

Steward Investors Throughout History… Count Zinzendorf: On Mission for God

Mission has and will continue to be of significant relevance for Christians, and rightly so! Our God delights to work through men and women to accomplish this shared mission: seeing His Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven. Today, we benefit from those who have gone before us carrying this mission forward geographically and generationally.

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Christian Investors, Stewardship Stephen Jackson Christian Investors, Stewardship Stephen Jackson

So, Who’s in the Mood for a Great Film?

It fascinates me to think of how the screen can entertain and educate. As a follower of Jesus and a father of three, I pay close attention to the things we watch in our home. The film and media that entertains us, educates us, instills fears, or inspires us can have lasting impact. My wife and I want that impact to be for God’s glory and our good.

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Stewardship, Christian Investors Donald Simmons, CFP® Stewardship, Christian Investors Donald Simmons, CFP®

Listen to The Steward Investor on The Business as Mission Podcast with Mike Baer!

This book is an advanced look at stewardship. We answer the question: how can we build a portfolio that accomplishes eternal impact? I hope to motivate investors to move capital from where it is piled up to where it is in short supply so that we can grow the kingdom of God on earth.

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Stewardship, Investing Donald Simmons, CFP® Stewardship, Investing Donald Simmons, CFP®

IF Everything is the Lord’s, THEN…

How many times have you heard people say, or perhaps have said yourself, that “God owns it all”? This is a common statement made by Christians to affirm that the One who creates everything, by right, also owns everything. Although we may acknowledge this in our words, few of us behave in a manner that accurately reflects God’s ownership. Human nature drives us to “possess” as much as we can accumulate and to hold it with all of our might.

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